Sunday, September 18, 2011

From Mitchell Moore—thanks, Mitchell

I was a HUGE fan of the Dukes back in the 60's. Grew up in Paulding Ohio, near Van Wert. I went to see you guys in Cold Springs, Antwerp, Van Wert, Ft. name it, I would load up my car and bring all my friends to hear you guys! I became better friends with Dave and Sharon Workman and visited them in Goshen a couple of times.

I was inspired by you guys and later moved to LA, where I've lived for the past 32 years. I've worked as a Studio Singer and have had a great life here in LA doing music, etc. But I must say, the Dukes were my early inspiration! I'd like to hear more about you guys. Gene, thanks for your music and your touched many lives....including mine!

Mitchel Moore
Los Angeles, CA

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